czwartek, 17 września 2015

Home-made linguistic theories.

And what if the language of my thoughts is not my native language? What if I am Polish, I feel a strong affection to the history and the heritage of this country but no matter how intensively I try I would never express myself properly.. I do not even mention problems with eloquence, no..  May it be the randomness of vocabulary, its incompatible rhythm  or above all inconsequence of language structure, literally, anything... Every single element of phenomenon called language can annihilate our internal agreement and cause complete desintegration!  That’s a horrible vision, isn’t it?  Happy are those who have already discovered that something does not work as they had expected. Among them we see musicians, painters, sculpturers and .... philologists? (Gosh, can they really be compaired with the most spiritualized professions ever?)

Let’s analyse closer their apparently earthbound situation. There are people who just find pleasure and facility in discovering  foreign languages. One day this small fascination explodes and they start feeling  a natural bond between their personality and object of longstanding studies – let it be English. More sensitive become poets, novelists or songwriters.

But... Have you ever had any strange attitude toward poliglotes? What do force them to deepen the knowledge of five , six or fifteen languages? Should it be only a dry pragmatism or need to extend the number of hypothetic smalltalkers? Or maybe is that a constant research for an appropriate method to express themselves - unconscious and, for some, never accomplished but resembles never-ending and rather spiritual exercise of joining the soul with the body. Sounds philosophically legit!

Now, I would like you to imagine the man who sacrified all his life for learning foreign languages being aware of his complete internal desintegration. He knows English, German, Norvegian, Swedish, Polish, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Urdu, Hungarian, Russian. Moreover he has recently experienced few lessons of Chinese and Korean. Ironically our seeker would feel emptiness and misunderstanding till the end of his life. Why? Oh that’s easy – the language of his mind was FANAGALO - ‘pidgin based on English, Afrikaans, Xhosa, and Zulu, used especially in the mines of South Africa’.....

Going a little bit further – what if our internal misunderstanding influences deeply relationships with other people? How many wars and conflicts could have been avoid if we’d known how to express our sensitivity, Adolf Hitler singing psalms in Hebrew as an antidote for the Holocoust? (That’s seems to be  a home-grown historiosophy, oh yess)

Isn’t the idea of the Babel Tower more convincing now?

I don’t know, but personally, I feel convinced to practice Portuguese grammar instead of supporting my hopeless English geist ..

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